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Code of Conduct

The Boulevard Race is committed to fostering a positive, safe, and inclusive experience for all participants, volunteers, spectators, and staff. By registering for and participating in the event, you agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct.

Respect and Inclusivity

  • Treat all participants, volunteers, race officials, and spectators with kindness, respect, and courtesy.
  • Discrimination, harassment, or offensive behavior, including but not limited to race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or religion, will not be tolerated.
  • Encourage and support fellow runners—The Boulevard Race is about community and camaraderie.

Safety and Sportsmanship

  • Follow all race rules, official instructions, and course signage to ensure the safety of yourself and others.
  • Refrain from any unsportsmanlike conduct, including verbal abuse, physical aggression, or interference with another participant’s progress.
  • No unauthorized assistance, including pacing by non-registered participants, use of bicycles, or unauthorized vehicles.

Health and Well-Being

  • If you feel unwell, stop and seek medical assistance immediately.
  • Be mindful of fellow participants and provide assistance if you see someone in distress.
  • Maintain proper hydration and listen to your body to prevent injury or exhaustion.

Environmental Responsibility

  • Dispose of waste properly and respect the environment by using designated trash and recycling bins.
  • Do not litter along the racecourse; carry out any items you bring with you.
  • Respect public and private property along the route.

Compliance with Race Officials

  • Follow all instructions from race officials, volunteers, and law enforcement personnel.
  • Failure to comply with official directions may result in disqualification or removal from the event.
  • Any disputes or concerns should be directed to race officials in a respectful manner.

Consequences of Violations

Participants who fail to follow this Code of Conduct may face disciplinary action, including warnings, disqualification, or removal from the event without refund. The Boulevard Race reserves the right to enforce these rules to maintain the integrity and safety of the event.

Thank you for your cooperation in making The Boulevard Race a positive experience for everyone!

Registration Tips

Tips to enhance your race experience.

Race Safety

Together, we’ll stay ready and safe.

Course Map

Check out the race course map.

Contact Us

We’re here to help.